Experiment Nation’s 2024 CRO Salary Report

Rommil Santiago and Tracy Laranjo react to the 2024 Salary Report

Tracy also shares how to get paid what you’re worth!

Here are some of the breakdowns

You can click on each image to zoom in. Note that Non-Binary was excluded as there were not enough responses.

Average salaries over the years

Salary Breakdown by Experience

Years of experience and Salary by Title

Satisfaction of Salary by Title

Average Salary by Country

Average Salary by Gender by Country

Change in Salary (Year-over-Year) by Country

Change in Salary (Year-over-Year) by Gender

Change in Salary (Year-over-Year) by Minority Status

Favorite A/B testing tools

The following countries represent over 60% of the replies.

2024 Salary Explorer

To explore the CRO Salary Data from the last 3 years, you must join our directory.