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1. Which of the following characterizes Value Propositions and Unique Selling Propositions?
Answer Provided: ?It is that very reason which motivates a buyer to purchase that product

Correct Answer: It is that very reason which motivates a buyer to purchase that product

Comments Entered: NA

2. When writing copy, what is your #1 priority?
Answer Provided: ?Writing for clarity, not cleverness

Correct Answer: Writing for clarity, not cleverness

Comments Entered: NA

3. What is “bias”?
Answer Provided: ?It is a systemic preference towards something

Correct Answer: It is a systemic preference towards something

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4. Which is NOT a characteristic of “Novelty effects”?
Answer Provided: ?Early results observed generally with new visitors.

Correct Answer: New features always perform the best

Comments Entered: NA

5. What is “flicker”?
Answer Provided: ?When the contents of a variation visibily change during loading because your testing tool is overriding existing code

Correct Answer: When the contents of a variation visibily change during loading because your testing tool is overriding existing code

Comments Entered: NA

6. What is copywriting for conversion?
Answer Provided: ?Copywriting that compels the reader to perform a specific action

Correct Answer: Copywriting that compels the reader to perform a specific action

Comments Entered: NA

7. Which of the following is not a popular prioritization framework?
Answer Provided: ?SWOT

Correct Answer: SWOT

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8. Which of the following sources of data has the least amount of bias?
Answer Provided: ?Meta-analyses

Correct Answer: Meta-analyses

Comments Entered: NA

9. What should you do before you run an experiment?
Answer Provided: ?All answers are correct

Correct Answer: All answers are correct

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10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of test iteration?
Answer Provided: ?With luck, you can reuse some assets – saving you time

Correct Answer: Increased statistical power

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11. If a program’s ratio of “successful” tests (aka “win rate”) to launched tests is constantly 50%, what should you suspect?
Answer Provided: ?The CRO is not testing meaningful hypotheses or picking the KPI after the experiment has concluded

Correct Answer: The CRO is not testing meaningful hypotheses or picking the KPI after the experiment has concluded

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12. What does “MVT” stand for?
Answer Provided: ?Multivariate Test

Correct Answer: Multivariate Test

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13. Which BEST describes why you should always define a “Test Hypothesis”
Answer Provided: ?To clearly set a goal to your experiment

Correct Answer: To ensure you learn, no matter what the test outcome because the experiment will either prove or disprove your hypothesis

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14. Which BEST describes experiment “Interaction Effects” ?
Answer Provided: ?When one experiment impacts the outcome of another

Correct Answer: When one experiment impacts the outcome of another

Comments Entered: NA

15. Which generally happens when testing many variants running at once?
Answer Provided: ?The power of your experiment decreases drastically

Correct Answer: The power of your experiment decreases drastically

Comments Entered: NA

16. Which of the following is a reason to document experiments?
Answer Provided: ?All the answers are correct

Correct Answer: All the answers are correct

Comments Entered: NA

17. What is the most important step you can take to increase your funnel’s final conversion rate?
Answer Provided: ?Identify the biggest drop-off points and prioritize fixing those

Correct Answer: Identify the biggest drop-off points and prioritize fixing those

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18. Which of the following is an example of scarcity?
Answer Provided: ?Only 7 left in stock.

Correct Answer: Only 7 left in stock.

Comments Entered: NA

19. If there is no meaningful difference between your control and variation in terms of your success metric, which of the following should you decide?
Answer Provided: ?The test was inconclusive

Correct Answer: It depends on the hypothesis

Comments Entered: NA

20. Which of the following is an example of “chunking”?
Answer Provided: ?Breaking longer text into smaller parts

Correct Answer: Breaking longer text into smaller parts

Comments Entered: NA

21. In Frequentist statistics, which of the following is the risk of testing too many KPIs?
Answer Provided: ?Increased chance of a false positive

Correct Answer: Increased chance of a false positive

Comments Entered: NA

22. What is a “hero image”?
Answer Provided: ?It is the largest image near the top of a webpage

Correct Answer: It is the largest image near the top of a webpage

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23. What is NOT a sign of a healthy Experimentation Culture?
Answer Provided: ?Experiment results do not alter any plans

Correct Answer: Experiment results do not alter any plans

Comments Entered: NA

24. Which of the following BEST describes “statistical significance”?
Answer Provided: ?Achieved when sample size is met

Correct Answer: The probability the result observed was not due to random chance

Comments Entered: NA

25. Which of the following describes a “Holdout Group”?
Answer Provided: ?A control group that does not get exposed to a treatment/variation

Correct Answer: A control group that does not get exposed to a treatment/variation

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26. Which of the following is a problem with last-touch attribution?
Answer Provided: ?It doesn't help identify tactics that help customers past a tipping point for decision

Correct Answer: It ignores upper-funnel activities

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27. What is a false negative?
Answer Provided: ?It is when you detect an effect when none exists

Correct Answer: It is when you don’t detect an effect when one exists

Comments Entered: NA

28. After you have completed your conversion audit and have a list of hypotheses, what is the next step you need to take?
Answer Provided: ?Prioritize the hypotheses based on your framework of choice

Correct Answer: Prioritize the hypotheses based on your framework of choice

Comments Entered: NA

29. What is a “Bonferroni Correction”?
Answer Provided: ?A statistical correction to account for novelty effects

Correct Answer: A way to control for false positives when analyzing multiple metrics

Comments Entered: NA

30. What does “KPI” stand for?
Answer Provided: ?Key Performance Indicator

Correct Answer: Key Performance Indicator

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