Where should you start testing, like with most processes, starting is usually the most challenging part.
Category Archives: Opinion
Stop wasting time by having principles with Rommil Santiago
You don’t have to A/B test everything. Be smart by having guiding principles.
Test before you build anything or you’ll waste time course-correcting with Rommil Santiago
There’s a lot of talk about how to find things to test, how to analyze tests, and the importance of iterating on tests. This week, I was thinking about how I could add something a little different to the conversation and decided to share my thoughts about when to run a test – particularly when building products.
3 ways to be a better Experimentation leader with Rommil Santiago
Even if you are the best Experimenter at your company, unless you are able to nurture a culture of Experimentation – you’ll end up constantly fighting uphill battles. Here are a few quick pointers on how to be a better Experimentation leader.
What Hawaiian Pizza can teach us about creating a more inclusive CRO industry
Pineapple on pizza. If you ever want to have a heated debate with a group of people, ask them if pineapple belongs on pizza. You’ll hear arguments about how people should be allowed to like what they like and that should be OK, as well as, pizza is XYZ and that anything different cannot beContinue reading “What Hawaiian Pizza can teach us about creating a more inclusive CRO industry”
How Wordle proves that Experimentation works
If you haven’t tried it yet, Wordle is a popular online game where you have to guess a 5-letter word within 6 tries – and it’s quite fun and addictive. Every day there is a new word to guess, and everyone gets the same word. It cleverly lets you post how you solved (or didn’t) the daily puzzle – which often sparks some lovely conversation online. Interestingly, there are a lot of parallels between Wordle and the Craft of Experimentation. Find out how.
Can you run tests on sites with little traffic?
From a pure experimentation perspective – one absolutely can forego using statistics and just see what happens. We can believe the dictionary, the dictionary definition of an experiment is: “a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.” A scientific procedure (aka the scientific method) states nothing about having to use a statistical approach for analysis. However…
How do I change people’s attitudes towards Experimentation?
Of course, there are a million ways to answer this question that range from demonstrating wins, being inclusive, and evangelism. This week, I thought of sharing a couple of the little things you can do that, if done consistently over time, can start to realize gains in the long run. Words matter Experimenters and CROsContinue reading “How do I change people’s attitudes towards Experimentation?”